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Address: Nifas Silk Lafto Sub City,
Egypt Street, Woreda 04, House # 887
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Tel: +251-113-206160 / +251-911-210535
Fax: +251-113-206159
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Get to know what we want to achieve
What Nia Stands For
- Nia Foundation has enormously been working towards bringing awareness of autism and its spectrum disorders to lights. Nia has not only been bringing awareness to the world about autism but it has also been celebrating the achievements OUR children have accomplished at the Joy center. Nia also wants to honor ALL those affected by Autism and its consequences.
- Nia has the intention to bring autism and children with it to light by raising awareness of it and its cause in a way that can bridge the educated and the uneducated so that they all get an understanding of what autism is all about and the great potential of those who do have autism.
- Nia Foundation as a pioneer, addresses and resolves all the burdens and sufferings of parents and guardians of autistic children and adults and helps them alleviate their all rounded challenges in terms of social, economic and spiritual obstacles and as well as anguish occurring on a regular basis due to lack of support.
- Nia will provide and facilitate Professional assistance, public awareness of autism and children with autism spectrum disorder, social support from both the government and the private sectors, and as well as non-governmental organizations (NGOs) for Parents or Caregivers of children with autism as they experience various psychological and emotional, social, and economic challenges.
- For addressing these challenges, we feel under social obligations to share the burdens and loads in every possible way.
- Nia Foundation has always been very keen on enlightening the community at large through education and awareness about social interventions and undertakings by teaching and educating the people in it. Nia also intends to bring the community together towards a campaign of enriching dynamic and positive behavior and attitude; altering a descended illogical way of thinking by inculcating quality of thinking into the society.
- It is obvious that enlighten the community is enlighten the people; children, young people, old people, including all human kind regardless of their color, physical abilities and disabilities, gender and religion.
- Thus, our purpose is to enrich and enhance the positive perception of the community in a way escalating their positive attitude, energy and consciousness.
- By undertaking a number of social responsibilities and interventions, Nia Foundation intends to help the country grow and develop as one of independent states, extricated from poverty and ignorance.
- We strongly believe that helping one country grow means helping all nations get rid of jabbing and malicious enemy; backwardness.
- Nia envisages that involving women and changing their lives has immeasurable significance in sculpturing the image of a country in a positive and marvelous way. So Nia Foundation has passionately been engaging itself into transforming the lives of these vulnerable communities through the provision of multifaceted rehabilitative, livelihood, counseling and other capacity building services having in mind that developing these segments is developing nations and the country in general.
- Nia Foundation seeks to be a leading non profitable organization and it has always functioned with that fashion. It works to tackle the persisting challenges and stumbling blocks along the way that were not looked after before or unaddressed by others.
- Nia is also ambitious to pave the path for ever emerging humanitarian activists and encourage all to venture great social responsibilities and all the more Nia exerts relentless efforts to show exemplary activities for those fellow organizations so that they can follow Nia’s footstep.
Nia Identity
Our Identity
Nia Foundation aspires to seeing a concerned society whereby less privileged community groups enjoy quality of life to the best of their potentials in spite of their different abilities, disabilities and gender.
Nia strives to inspire, empower and improve the holistic well-being of less privileged children, youth, and women mainly through education, rehabilitation, training and awareness raising, dialogue and discussion forums, entrepreneurship and leadership development programmes.
- Mutual Trust
- Love and Empathy
- Hope and Optimism
- Responsibility and Integrity
- Commitment
- Partnership and Collaboration
- Innovation and Excellence